Do you love writing about fashion, photography, lifestyle, beauty, and health? Why not join Wordtive as a contributor if that is the case?
Wordtive is an international multi-media brand that highlights trends in fashion, beauty, lifestyle, business, and other areas to encourage young people to live their best creative lives.
At wordtive, excellent authors are always welcome to join the team. Let us hear from you, whether you’re a seasoned blogger or just starting! You can write for us Lifestyle and share your thoughts with our readers by doing so. We want authors that can amuse us while also educating and providing new perspectives to our audience. Our readers are eager to hear your perspectives on the issues you choose to discuss. Please read on to discover more about writing possibilities with us and send us your tale pitch.
As a Wordtive guest blogger, you will be able to…
- Worldwide creators and businesses are being informed and inspired.
- Provide readers with useful information and resources.
- Your message should be delivered to a well-established and influential audience.
- Have your article shared on ALL of Wordtive’s social media channels.
What kinds of articles may I write?
You can write an article about a topic related to one of the categories.
- Fashion, Beauty, and Lifestyle
- Internet, technology, food, lifestyle, and diet
- Wellness, exercise, yoga, weight loss, cannabis, CBD oil, entertainment, and celebrities
- Please be aware that links to websites promoting drugs, gambling, payday loans, or adult content will not be accepted.
Guest post guidelines:
- Only original, distinctive, interesting, and well-written information will be taken into consideration. If you have already published this article somewhere, please do not submit it again.
- Posts should be between 1000 and 2000 words long.
- Original, licensed, or public domain photos must be used in all cases. (Please, no violation of intellectual property.)
- The content should be easy to read and broken down into parts with subheadings.
- Finally, all of the links in the post should point to relevant and high-quality websites.
- The optimal ratio is one link for every 300 words, with a maximum of two to three links per paragraph. Author link included.
- Do not forget to give credit to the author.
- We like future articles that link back to your post, so please write something worth connecting to.
- We are picky about the posts we publish. Your writing should be well-written, entertaining, one-of-a-kind, and educational.
Make only one article submission. If you believe you have the skill and expertise to write a great blog post or article pertaining to the site’s theme, such as lifestyle, business, beauty, and entertainment. Then and only then are you likely to see it published. You can supplement the page with useful advice and links. Links that provide no value will be deleted. You may also use the site to market your company.
You are welcome to write and submit a fashion, health, or lifestyle guest article to our site. We welcome blog postings produced in a professional manner.
Furthermore, if you believe you have something unique to write about lifestyle, business, beauty, or entertainment that will appeal to the editor and and readers, please contact us.
If you are interested in writing, Contact
Advanced Search Terms to Find Guest Posting Sites
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Keyword “write for us”
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SEO “write for us”
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Your Keyword “guest post opportunities”
Keyword “this is a guest post by”
Search Keyword “contributing writer”
Your Keyword “want to write for”
Keyword “submit a blog post”
Search Keyword “contribute to our site”
Your Keyword “guest column”
Keyword “submit content”
Search Keyword “submit your content”
Your Keyword “submit a post”
Keyword “This post was written by”
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Your Keyword “guest posting guidelines”
Keyword “suggest a post”
Search Keyword “submit an article”
Your Keyword “contributor guidelines”
Keyword “submit news”
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Keyword “looking for guest posts”
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